Sunday, April 21, 2013

dollslikeus 1 Parental Alienation

By Written and Illustrated By Sharon Wortman Farnahm Copyedited By Angie Mangino

Shows a young Grandpa Elmore Snodgrass in school with he's friends . It shows him later on with he's wife who died of cancer and it shows them adopting two girls . Elmore will be in a lot of Dollslikeus books because he is a lovable character . Who had a lot of problems as a kid and he decides to be a minister and a youth counselor. It shows he's daughters wedding these photos are actually in color unlike Fair And Equal Divorce and it downloads from amazon kindle for 3 dollars to a Ipad .
I will write someday about how  he meet he's wife  what a great influence he's wife's dad and he's dad although in jail were able to have on he's life .